Photons and bioenergetics The Asyra Pro functions by means of photons and bioenergetics. Photons are invisible rays of light, just like X-rays, but they can also transport information. Bioenergetics is based on energetic flows and vibrations in the body. Every person has a bio-energetic field in and around the body. Energy is invisible and bioresonance has the ability to translate this into visible information. A bioresonance device does not make a diagnosis but is used as a diagnostic tool for analysis of the complaint(s). The treatment The treatment with bioresonance is aimed at detecting blockages, detoxifying the body, restoring the intestinal flora, promoting digestion, balancing the immune system, testing everything that burdens and searches the body what the body needs to get back into balance. Individual tests are done to find out what the pathogenic disturbances are in the body and in addition tests are done for food intolerances, vitamins, minerals, hormone levels and more. This holistic approach focuses on activating the self-healing ability. The treatment is turned into a homeopathic remedy based on individual frequencies needed to restore and balance the immune system. The remedy is based on water and alcohol or an imprint on lactose grains and contains balancing frequencies that are different for everyone. The drops/granules should be taken twice a day for several weeks. The test is performed on the basis of a saliva sample. Read more here.